Singapore’s failed Australian invasion

obike invasion

It’s rare I venture into Surfers Paradise and surrounding coastal suburbs now days … and or turn the TV on and keep up with local whatever goings on.

Last Mothers Day (13 May) the mother and I drove the coastline road from Southport to Tweed Heads.

From the Southport end, I started noticing unattended orange bikes here and there, parked on footpaths. The closer we got to Surfers, the more we passed.

I thought the government must have bought them for public use during the recent Commonwealth Games … but yet to be collected.

It wasn’t until later on when I googled ‘orange two wheeled plague’, that I learnt they are “commercial dock-less Mobikes”. Chinese mob make the Mobikes.

That was three months ago. Now the bikes are turning up in my outer city areas.

mobikes invade crestwood
Mobike spawn: Crestwood Bunnings, August 2018

Between Crestwood and my place, I passed 13 of them last night strewn around on foot paths, front yards, up trees, and on the road.

I thought it was a grey alien invasion I had to worry about. Turns out it’s an orange commie Mobike invasion, slowly, incrementally, SPREADING from the supply-ship (Surfers Paradise) deeper into ‘the colony’ (cool TV sci-fi series) clogging up our streets, gutters, trees, dunnies, bum cracks, front yards, foot paths and creeks.

Good news fellow earthlings; Melbourne has had enough of the bloody things (not fast enough get away vehicles for the APEX gang?) and have told the Singapore company oBike to pack up their yellow spawn and piss off. Same debt owing Singapore company has failed with these bikes in Singapore.

Kind of a social experiment? Did they fail … or did we overall as a society fail  … fail to use these contraptions to help clean the worlds air and improve our human health?

I predict the same ban will happen on the Gold Coast after enough louts illegally (littering) vandalise them, and or enough pissed off private property owners legally eject them from their properties and complain to that unconstitutional GCCC corporation.

Good times for the scrap metal guys.

related: Mobike spawn in the UK are copping a thrashing

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